"Only look back to see how far you have come"
Winnie the Pooh
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken"
Oscar Wilde
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"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Mahatma Ghandi
It's not easy being GREEN...
So we REALLY hate throwing stuff away. Don't get me wrong, we're not going to end up on an episode of Hoarders, but if we find ways to repurpose or reuse something and keep it out of landfill that's a bonus. Mother Nature's already got enough on her hands without us adding to it. We try hard to use up everything to close the loop and work to zero waste.
We always use local suppliers where possible and all our packaging is either 100% recycled, undyed, natural, biodegradable and/or recyclable.
When we can we use reclaimed woods, use only Australian Made plant based bio resins and any other sustainable, reusable or upcycled supplies we can find to make our products.
Most of all, we strive to make beautiful, quality pieces that will last you for many years or can be passed on to others when you no longer have need of them so they can stay out of landfill.
None of us are perfect but every little effort we all make to be more sustainable helps our beautiful planet.
Pop-up Boxes and Ads on websites drive us MAD...
We do understand that businesses need to find platforms where they can advertise using other websites and all the scary algorithms and other modern words to target this stuff at you. But spending most of your visit trying to find the sneaky X to close window after window of ads, offers, videos and other pop-ups can become quite stressful.
We want our website to be a relaxing space where you can browse in peace and enjoy your visit with us.
* If you would LIKE to hear from us occasionally with updates on what we are up to and specials we are running you can subscribe to our mailing list HERE
* If you would like to tell us stuff or ask us stuff you can contact us HERE
And if you don't want to do either of these things at the moment, then please feel free to stay a while, have a browse and shop for some lovely things. We would add some soothing music for you but this can be annoying (and embarrassing - especially if you are having a sneaky online shopping break at work or googling in a library) so we won't. You can just use your imagination or hum your favourite tune.​