The story of us (not all of it of course or you'd be here all day)
Awwwww, thanks for pressing that button (hopefully on purpose) to get to know us a bit better !
Wally and Eva started out in 2016 as Beads for Eva. In 2022 with the help and support of our incredibly talented dear friend and graphic designer Charlotte from we rebranded ourselves to better represent who we are.
We love creating things, nature, renovating and decorating, cooking (me cooking & Mike eating the stuff that's been cooked) and exploring our new surroundings since we moved to the Hunter Valley in 2020. Oh and wine...we love wine !
We have full on day jobs that keep us busy and continually challenged and for 4 years we also ran That Great Market, a gorgeous monthly artisan market in Lindfield, Sydney, where we had the pleasure of hanging out with like minded makers and creators and the wonderful people who visit. We have taken a break from running our markets as life keeps sending us new challenges and opportunities although we have continued to be regular stallholders at markets about the Hunter Valley since we moved up this way.
With any time we have left over we make stuff. I am always coming up with crazy ideas for things to make and ever patient Mike brings the logic and plans to the ideas that we can achieve.
For years I'd struggled to try and find the one perfect thing that we can concentrate on making but then I had an epiphany in 2021 and decided that being true to ourselves meant that we should embrace the crazy and make all the things that make us happy and bring joy to others.
The result is a seemingly random array of different products that have all sprung from our many loves and passions using Australian Hardwood, Australian made plant based bio resin and natural fabrics as our main mediums and taking our inspiration from nature and the environment.
Our 'foraged' products are sourced mainly from our own garden and the very generous bottle brush trees out the front or when we go for walks. Yep - I'm that person who you see picking up random stuff from the ground when you drive by. Mike is very patient when he thinks I'm beside him and then spots me many metres behind with one of my little baggies (that I never leave home without) picking up some natural gem I just spotted.
We also spend A LOT of time thinking about our packaging. How to make our deliveries look engaging while being able to travel safely and be kind to the environment. Like to know more click here.
From the designs that are formulated in the middle of the night and begin the next day with me saying to Mike "I've had an idea..." or when I'm sitting in our lovely studio with my notepad and pencil to the creation which involves sourcing what we need and quite a lot of trial and error, to that "eeeeeeeeeee" moment when we step back and look at the finished products, it's a labour of love.
As Mark Twain says "if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life".
In 2024 quite by happy accident through changes in our lives the opportunity arose for us to open a (drum roll please......) shop !
Yep - old school bricks and mortar where you can come and see us without worrying about the weather.
It's only a little shop but it has a great big personality.
Alongside our own handcrafted products we are fortunate to be able to carry a range of beautiful pieces that compliment our own from some of our maker and artist friends. You'll find Daisy May Bouquet, Hunter Lavender Farm and Love From in our wee boutique shop.
Yep - sometimes we do get asked if WE are Wally & Eva but the fact is that we have two gorgeous ageing fur babies who rule the household and their monikers seemed perfect for our little handcrafting business.
What's in a name ?
I'm Eva. I like sleeping, cuddles, eating, sleeping, leaping, running around A LOT, sleeping, all things dairy, get the picture ! I'm of the tree dwelling variety and love to leap up high and run up and down the house a lot at maximum speed. But that's only for the 60 or so mins I'm actually awake before I find myself a bed, blanket, lap etc to go back to sleep on.
I'm a total sweetheart, mostly very quiet and I never complain.
Oh, and I am very helpful when beds are being made or washing being folded !
I'm Wally. I like cuddles, sleeping, cuddles, eating, cuddles, talking, cuddles, quietly sneaking up behind humans. Did I mention cuddles ?
I'm a bit of a Mummy's Boy. I'm good at finding insects for her, but less than interested in doing anything about it. And I'm definitely a 'ground dweller' (meaning a bit big, clumsy and a little senior these days to perform any acts of cat aerial acrobatics). I leave that to my crazy 'sister'.
I always know what's happening, wear my heart on my sleeve and HATE overnight bags or suitcases because that means someone is leaving me for a while.
Wally and Eva is the coming together of our skills and ideas to create a collection of quality handcrafted homewares and jewellery that will brighten up your home and lifestyle.
We are very glad you've come for a visit and hope you'll be a regular !
If you'd like to keep in touch you can join our monthly newsletter.
Lou & Mike