We have been asked by a number of the gorgeous visitors to our store whether we carry Brooches.

Yep - that blingy little accessory that adorned the jackets, hats, scarves of generations past. I defy you to find a photo of the Queen or her Mum for that matter, out in public without one !
But then they just kind of faded out of our consciousness and off our clothes and into the backs of drawers to reminisce over when we got around to doing a a spot of spring cleaning (or moving - the ultimate spring clean).
It turns out (and I may be slower on the uptake than you) that brooches are now a must have accessory and not just for the more vintage of us who still remember actually wearing one but for younger generations too.
And another thing - not everyone is getting their ears pierced. That doesn't mean they don't want to add a splash of colour and personality to their outfit.
Now I DO love a challenge - especially one that lets me go creatively nuts, so many months ago I started designing a collection of brooches revisiting and reimagining my favourite native flora and fauna.
I prototyped many ideas (some worked - some definitely didn't but more to do with my impatience than that theory itself !) before I settled on the final designs.
I wanted them to be unique to us, sticking with our design style and not a copy of the more mass produced varieties you can find these days. Most importantly I wanted them to be made by hand by us.
Using 'no-nasties' Aussie made plywood, plant-based Australian-made resin, some locally sourced glitter acrylic (for the bling factor) and metallic and opaque acrylic paints I set to work making our brooch collection.
I worked nights and weekends - sometimes it would be in the workshop in the cold and sometimes in the living room by the fire on the floor (with my favourite low work table, work lamp, trays and maybe the odd glass of wine and a good show on the telly) to complete our collection. I'm super proud of it - quirky, fun and still very us.
And you'll never guess...I have started wearing them myself. I've had lots of lovely comments when I have worn mine (grinning face and waving hands emoji !).
So to all the wonderful visitors to our shop who've been asking for brooches - we have obliged and at long last we are thrilled to be able to tell you that this lovely collection is available in wee shop or right here online.
Till next time
Lou & Mike x